FREDERICTON (GNB) – On Wednesday, Nov. 2, Grade 9 students across Canada will participate in Take Our Kids to Work Day, which is part of Career Week, Oct. 31 to Nov. 4.

“Take Our Kids to Work Day offers our young people the opportunity to explore careers in a practical way and see first-hand what knowledge and skills are required in today’s workplaces,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault. “I encourage Grade 9 students to participate so they can gain a better understanding of effective career planning.”

The day is organized by the Learning Partnership, a national non-profit organization that advocates a strong public education system. New Brunswick joined the program in 1996. Since 1998, all the provinces and territories have participated.

“As students spend the day in the workplace of a parent, relative or friend, they will see how what they learn in school builds the foundation for future career opportunities,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Brian Kenny. “This is a great opportunity for Grade 9 students to experience what it would be like to work in a field they are interested in and get some advice on how to achieve their career goal.”

The theme of Career Week this year is Create Your Own Future, and is intended to promote career development as an integral part of student learning using a co-ordinated whole-school approach.

Students in all schools and post-secondary educational institutions in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island will be invited to participate in activities promoting careers during the week. 

Last September, Arseneault and Kenny joined their Atlantic Canadian counterparts to discuss the importance of career transitioning during the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training meeting in St. John’s, N.L., and announce the launch of Atlantic Canada Career Week.

The week is part of Canada Career Month, which will be observed in various ways across New Brunswick. In recognition of Career Month, the provincial government will highlight the following topics:

  • Week 1: Individuals and their community;
  • Week 2: Employers of all sizes;
  • Week 3: Education from K-12 to post-secondary; and
  • Week 4: Government and agencies.