FREDERICTON (GNB) – Federal, provincial and territorial ministers for immigration met in Ottawa on Tuesday, Dec. 1, to discuss plans for the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Canada.

“I reiterated New Brunswick’s desire to welcome 1,500 refugees to our province over the next few months,” Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry said. “The provincial government continues to work closely with settlement agencies, community groups and the federal government to prepare for the arrival of Syrian refugees.”

The Multicultural Association of Fredericton, the Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area, and the Saint John YMCA Newcomer Connections Centre also attended the meeting in Ottawa. These agencies have federally-funded Resettlement Assistance Programs in place and are experienced and qualified to assist with refugee resettlement.

“Settlement agencies are receiving hundreds of requests to volunteer with the Syrian refugee intake,” Landry said. “I am proud of the response we have heard from New Brunswickers in all corners of the province who want to help these newcomers build a life here.”

The federal-provincial-territorial meeting was co-chaired by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Minister John McCallum and the Ontario Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Michael Chan. Gov. Gen. David Johnston also hosted a forum at Rideau Hall on welcoming Syrian refugees to Canada.