EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – The provincial government is funding two new programs for immigrant entrepreneurs in Edmundston and Bathurst.

The program, known as the Hive, is a business incubator which assists entrepreneurs by offering them support, space, training, and networking opportunities while they prepare business plans.

“As a government, we are focused on creating the right conditions for newcomers and New Brunswickers to thrive, and for the private sector to create jobs and build up the economy,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry. “Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in our province is an important part of this effort.”

The Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce and the Edmundston Chamber of Commerce plan to launch Hive programs in their respective communities within the 2015-16 fiscal year. These two new programs will be the third and fourth in New Brunswick, along with similar programs in Moncton and Fredericton.

“We are pleased to be expanding our programming for immigrant entrepreneurs, right here in Bathurst,” said Mitch Poirier, general manager of the Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce. “Creating an environment where our immigrant entrepreneurs are comfortable asking questions, helping them learn about doing business in this province and encouraging inclusive integration into the community are priorities.”

“A business accelerator for immigrant entrepreneurs is essential in smaller communities such as Edmundston and Bathurst,” said Marc Long, executive director for the Edmundston Chamber of Commerce. “The Hive, combined with the Business Immigrant Mentorship Program, will help develop entrepreneurship among our newcomers.”

The announcement was part of the kick-off to Francophone Immigration Week, which is taking place until Nov. 7.