FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement marking National Francophone Immigration Week, Nov. 1 to 7, was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry, who is responsible for immigration and the minister responsible for La Francophonie:

This week is an initiative of the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (website in French only) and the Réseau en immigration francophone.

It underscores the vitality and vibrancy that French-speaking immigrants bring to francophone and Acadian communities and highlights the efforts of these communities to attract, welcome, and integrate newcomers. It is also an opportunity to build bridges between the francophone newcomers and their host communities.

Various activities will be organized by the settlement centres to showcase the contributions of francophone newcomers to the labour market, to economic development, and to the social, cultural, and linguistic diversity of the province.

As the only officially bilingual province, we are especially attractive to French-speaking immigrants who can access services in their language while learning English.

Attracting skilled workers in order to grow our population and our economy is one of our government’s priorities.

I am pleased to join the celebration and I encourage everyone to do the same. It is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the sense of belonging in our francophone communities. I congratulate the members of the Réseau en immigration francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick on the essential role they play in the successful settlement of francophone and francophile newcomers.