FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry on the occasion of New Brunswick Literacy Day, Wednesday, April 15:

Literacy and lifelong learning is the cornerstone to developing a skilled workforce and a responsive labour market.

New Brunswick must prepare for the new, knowledge-based global economy. Our first step in creating jobs is ensuring that the workforce has a strong foundation in essential skills, like literacy.

That is why our government made a commitment to implement a comprehensive literacy strategy. And that is why we recently selected Marilyn Trenholme Counsell and Marie-Claude Blais to co-chair the development of the strategy and work as advocates for literacy, families and early childhood development.

As part of the strategy, our government will continue efforts to enhance adult literacy programming and work to change the tide by placing a priority on high-quality, universally-accessible early intervention services for pre-school children in need.

We are proud to work in partnership with organizations like the Community Adult Learning Network, Laubach Literacy New Brunswick, the New Brunswick Literacy Coalition, la Conseil pour le développement de l'alphabétisme et des compétences des adultes Nouveau-Brunswick Inc. (previously called la Fédération du Nouveau Brunswick) and the New Brunswick Public Library Service, whose collective efforts help improve literacy levels.

On New Brunswick Literacy Day we also take the time to recognize contributions through the Council of the Federation Literacy Awards. The premiers and territorial leaders created the awards in 2004 to recognize the importance of literacy as an essential building block to a vibrant society and economy.

This year Kedgwick Public Library and St. Croix Public Library have each received the award for New Brunswick. They have been recognized as outstanding in this year’s category of adult literacy providers.

Together, with a strategic, collaborative and broad approach to literacy support, we can move New Brunswick forward and ensure we are creating a job-ready generation.