FREDERICTON (GNB) – Special events designed to highlight the employment programs and services available to New Brunswickers will take place during Career Week, Nov. 3 – 7.

The events will be hosted at Career Information Centres and Regional Employment and Continuous Learning Services Offices across the province.

“Creating jobs and growing our economy are our government’s top priorities,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry. “Career Week is helping us achieve those goals. Our mandate is to build a skilled workforce, keep our youth in New Brunswick and help meet the needs of employers by closing the workforce gaps.”

Career Week is hosted annually to promote awareness of the value of career development at all stages of careers and to support residents in making informed choices about their future post-secondary education, training and employment options. It coincides with the national initiative, Take Our Kids to Work Day, which will be held Wednesday, Nov. 5. This annual tradition provides Grade 9 students the opportunity to spend a day in the workplace of a parent, relative or friend.

“As a grandmother of Grade 9 children, I know how difficult it can be to decide what you want to do and how to get there,” said Landry. “Often, people are not aware of all the employment and training opportunities available to them. We offer many free services and programs to the public, and in the spirit of Career Week, I encourage everyone to take advantage of our broad range of employment and career offerings.”

A list of activities organized to celebrate Career Week can be found online.


·        Career Planning

·        Career Week Events