EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – A new electromechanical training program will be offered at the Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB)- Edmundston Campus thanks to investments from the provincial government.

“Our focus is on people, skills, and jobs and CCNB plays a key role in educating people, helping develop skills, and preparing students for the labour market,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr. “While we know that post-secondary education is increasingly necessary, we also know that jobs are changing. That is why we are investing in new and relevant programming, as well as innovation and research and development, as outlined in our Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy.

The provincial government is providing a total of $461,456 through the Department of Post-Secondary, Education, Training and Labour, the Northern New Brunswick and Economic Development and Innovation Fund and the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Development Agreement to establish the course, which commences in June 2014.

“This offering of this new course is courtesy of an amazing partnership between government, academia and the business community to respond to the growing demand in the local industry,” said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé.

“We are pleased to launch the electromechanical program for automated systems, which is the result of close co-operation between industry, the provincial government, and the college,” said Liane Roy, president and chief executive officer of the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick. “This new program, which will be offered as continuous training by the Edmundston campus beginning in June, will produce workers with specific expertise in the manufacturing sector. The training will contribute to the economic development of northwestern New Brunswick and of the province as a whole. In developing this program, the college is responding to the needs of industry and will ensure a place in the workforce for its future graduates.”