FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government will hold a jobs summit this spring, bringing together stakeholders from business, post-secondary education and other sectors.

"We will build on a solid foundation of ongoing work to bring together stakeholders from a wide range of sectors, including universities, public and private colleges, industry, business, youth, under-represented groups, First Nations, labour associations and government to discuss further how we can create jobs and grow the economy," said Premier David Alward.

The two-day summit will be held in Fredericton in May. Related events will be held in Moncton and in northern New Brunswick.

The summit will have three objectives:

●    reflect the priorities of stakeholders;
●    involve discussions about how partners can capitalize on existing programs; and
●    ensure a clear focus on future initiatives to meet current and future labour force needs.

"The summit will be more than an opportunity to continue discussions – it will be about action,” said Alward. “We have worked with businesses and workers to lay a strong foundation for employment growth, and the time has come to capitalize on the momentum we have created as a province."

Last September, the provincial government spearheaded a meeting of more than 50 leaders representing a cross-section of stakeholders. The meeting resulted in the creation of a steering committee given the responsibility to implement the province's Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy 2013-2016. The committee has met regularly since then.

"There are jobs in New Brunswick, and our goal is to match them with skilled workers,” said Alward. “The summit will give us the opportunity to exchange ideas with stakeholders on how we are going to make those matches. It is the responsibility of the provincial government to provide a forum for this exchange to take place. We now have a blueprint, so our aim is to use the summit as a catalyst to look for innovative and effective ways to put it into action."

The premier said the summit will demonstrate a continuing commitment to working collaboratively with a clear focus to complement the Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy 2013-2016, the innovation agenda and provincial government's six-sector strategy, Growing Together – Economic Development Action Plan 2012-2016.

The summit will also complement the work of a joint government-community committee that is implementing 38 recommendations made in An Employment Action Plan for Persons with a Disability in New Brunswick 2012-2017.