FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr, who is minister responsible for immigration in New Brunswick, in recognition of Canadian Citizenship Week, Oct. 21 - 27:
Canadian Citizenship Week is a time to reflect on the nature of our citizenship and the underlying shared values of freedom, equality and respect which help define it.

I am pleased to celebrate this week and urge all New Brunswickers to do the same. It is a great opportunity to support a sense of belonging among all Canadians and to recognize the contribution that immigration makes socially, economically, and culturally.

Canadian citizenship is respected and valued throughout the world. Every year, newcomers from across the globe, who have settled in our beautiful province, choose to become Canadians and embrace the rights, responsibilities, privileges and obligations that come with our citizenship. Our province is stronger with a diverse population. Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths.

This is why our government is consulting with New Brunswickers to develop a new population growth strategy, including a francophone immigration strategy. Growing our population to bolster our citizenship base is a key priority under our Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy 2013-2016.

Canadian Citizenship Week is also a time to raise awareness, particularly with our youth, of the values, rights and responsibilities associated with Canadian citizenship. I encourage all New Brunswickers to think about what their citizenship means to them, speak to their children about ways to be a good citizen, and to reaffirm their commitment to Canada.

Canadian citizenship is a precious gift; let us celebrate and appreciate it by embracing diversity and multiculturalism.