FREDERICTON (GNB) – A mobile application was launched today by the New Brunswick Public Library Service to help people use public libraries in the province.

"New Brunswickers can now browse their public libraries' collection of nearly two million titles from their mobile device," said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Danny Soucy. "Now, when people ask me about our public libraries, I can say – there is an app for that."

The mobile application, called BiblioNB, enables the public to gain access to the provincial library system from mobile devices. The provincial government invested $15,023 in a licence for the application.

“Our government is committed to lifelong learning, and we are working hard to improve and modernize our public library services," said Soucy. "Whether it is broadening our accessibility for those with print disabilities, raising awareness or encouraging participation of the summer reading program, we are continually striving for improvements. Today's launch is one more example of being responsive to modern learning styles and service expectations of New Brunswickers."

BiblioNB enables users to do many things:

●    find titles;
●    place holds;
●    renew items;
●    check the hours of their library or bookmobile;
●    access the many social features of the library catalogue, including reviews and lists;
●    obtain information about activities and events at their local library;
●    download audiobooks and eBooks; and
●    scan barcodes while searching for books to find out if the library has an available copy.

BiblioNB is available for iPhones, iPods and iPads through the App Store and by way of Google play for Android devices.

The public library system consists of 63 branches and three bookmobiles.


●    New Brunswick Public Library Service