FREDERICTON (GNB) – Legislation was introduced today by Premier David Alward to create the New Brunswick Research and Innovation Council.

The council will guide and focus research and innovation across all sectors and stakeholders in New Brunswick. Its primary goal will be to accelerate innovation-based entrepreneurship and create the conditions for the commercialization of current and future research in public universities and research centres.

"We believe research and innovation are critical to rebuilding New Brunswick's economy," said Alward. "This council will provide government with advice on long-term policy and budget direction, and the governance structure will ensure a rigorous accountability framework for all research and innovation stakeholders."

The council will consist of the following members:


●    The premier will serve as one co-chair. The other will be chosen from among the representatives appointed from industry.

Ex-officio members:

●    The premier.
●    The minister responsible for post-secondary education.
●    The minister responsible for economic development.
●    The leader of the official Opposition.
●    The chair of the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation.
●    The chair of the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation.

Appointments to be made by cabinet (lieutenant-governor-in-council):

●    One representative from a public university.
●    One representative from a community college.
●    One representative from a national research organization.
●    Eight representatives from New Brunswick industry.

"The creation of the New Brunswick Research and Innovation Council is in direct response to stakeholder recommendations," said Alward. "We are confident the council will have a substantive impact on government policies and budgets and will provide a bridge between successive governments to ensure the necessary consensus and focus over time and beyond political mandates."

The council's duties will include advising government on the creation of a multi-year policy and budgetary framework every four years. It will also be tasked with creating and submitting sector-specific studies or reports to government on different aspects of research and innovation.

"Our investment in research and innovation will help New Brunswick create a stronger economy by investing in ideas and processes that will help our industries prosper,” said Alward. "With this legislation, we are supporting and helping build on the strengths of New Brunswick's entrepreneurs and researchers now and into the future."

The provincial government is investing $200,000 to establish the council. Funding is part of the $80 million devoted to innovation, research and development announced earlier this year.