FREDERICTON (CNB) - Premier David Alward will be working to strengthen New Brunswick's connections with the New England states and eastern Canadian provinces during an upcoming annual meeting in Halifax.

Alward will be meeting with his counterparts at the 35th annual meeting of the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, to be held from July 10 to 12.     

"New Brunswick's historic and growing relationships with our neighbours in New England and Eastern Canada are vital to our province's future," said Alward. "Sharing our unique ideas, perspectives and priorities helps us strengthen our entire region and create meaningful progress for our residents."

Discussion topics for the conference will include:

●    accelerating the economic recovery of respective jurisdictions;
●    improving the flow of goods between New England and Eastern Canada while providing secure borders;
●    exploring short sea shipping as a alternative to moving cargo out of gateway ports to their final coastal destinations; and
●    confronting the environmental challenges posed by developing the domestic energy potential; and
●    maximizing the potential of each region's energy resources.
"New Brunswick plays an important role within our region," said Alward. "Today, we are poised to provide even more leadership through our strategic location, industry-leading exporters, smart cities and bilingual workforce. I look forward to speaking to fellow premiers and governors about these strengths."
More information about the annual meeting and the conference is online.
●    Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers (35th annual conference)