FREDERICTON (CNB) - More than 300 delegates are expected to attend this year's Southeastern United States - Canadian Provinces Alliance conference, to be held June 13-14 in Fredericton.

"We are pleased to announce that registration is full for this conference, which will draw companies, organizations, researchers and state and provincial government leaders from Canada and the United States," said Premier David Alward. "The conference will be held in Fredericton's new convention centre, and it is sure to bring significant economic benefits to our capital city and our entire province."

Alward thanked Andrea Feunekes for agreeing to participate as New Brunswick's business co-chair at the conference. Feunekes is the co-founder and co-chief executive officer of Remsoft, a business analytics company with offices in Fredericton. The other business co-chair will be Stephen Johnston of SmartSynch Inc., a "smart grid" technology company based in Jackson, Mississippi.
Delegates can expect a "green conference" when they arrive. The Department of Environment is helping the organizing committee minimize air emissions, reduce waste and conserve resources. Any greenhouse gas emissions that cannot be avoided will be offset to make this a carbon-neutral event.

Members of the alliance are New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.