FREDERICTON (CNB) - The provincial government is investing $50,000 in a new bursary program for international internships in Francophonie du Sud of the Bureau des Amériques, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (international agency of francophone universities) and the Association des universités de la Francophonie canadienne (francophone universities in Canada).

Wellness, Culture and Sport Minister Hédard Albert, who is also the minister responsible for the Francophonie, and Pierre Noreau, Bureau des Amériques director, announced the funding during the opening ceremony of International Week at the Université de Moncton,

Each year, many students from the Université de Moncton participate in credited internships within the Francophonie. The program provides increased access to international internships and training opportunities for students from francophone and Acadian communities in Canada.

"I'm confident that these internships will develop the students' international and inter-cultural skills, encourage them to be open to the world, and help prepare them to be citizens of tomorrow," Albert said. "New Brunswick is an important partner in the activities of La Francophonie. Our contribution to this bursary program is a good example. It will foster the commitment of universities and students from the standpoint of North-South solidarity."

Albert reaffirmed the government's commitment to the growth of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, a university agency that numbers more than 728 institutions on five continents.

New Brunswick has been an active member of the International Organization of La Francophonie since 1977. The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie is a direct operator of the Francophonie, with its headquarters in Montréal.