FREDERICTON (CNB) - Premier Shawn Graham and five provincial government ministers will meet tomorrow in Ottawa with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and federal ministers on several issues affecting New Brunswickers.

"There are a number of important challenges facing New Brunswick where better cooperation with the federal government could better our province," said Graham.

Graham will meet with Harper to address several issues including cost overruns on the Point Lepreau refurbishment project; Atlantic Gateway funding including funding for the Saint John Harbour Bridge; and partnerships under the Action Plan for Self-Sufficiency in Northern New Brunswick, including a multi-phase upgrade of Route 11.

Accompanying Graham will be Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also minister responsible for the Northern New Brunswick Initiative; Finance Minister Greg Byrne; Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet; Energy Minister Jack Keir; and Transportation Minister Denis Landry.

"Our plan to grow our economy and keep our kids home is working," said Graham. "It is through this plan that we will achieve self-sufficiency, but we cannot reach that goal alone. Our partnerships with the federal government, and the hard work of New Brunswickers, have kept our province moving through the global recession. We want to continue to build on our positive partnership with Ottawa by tackling these other challenges."

Graham said he is not going to Ottawa empty-handed.

"In addition to asking Ottawa to address these important issues, we will be offering to share resources and experiences on public engagement," he said.

The recent public engagement to overcome poverty was the first such exercise under a model being pioneered by New Brunswick. The National Council on Welfare and other groups have singled it out for its innovation and success.

In addition the meeting with Harper, the following ministerial meetings will take place:

  • Graham and Doucet will meet with Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea and National Revenue Minister Keith Ashfield, who is also minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and minister for the Atlantic Gateway, on the snow crab industry and the Fisheries Act.
  • Graham and Keir will meet with Natural Resources Minister Christian Paradis and Ashfield on the completion of the Point Lepreau refurbishment project.
  • Graham, Landry, Keir and Arseneault will meet with Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Minister John Baird and Ashfield to discuss the Atlantic Gateway project, the Saint John Harbour Bridge and the multi-phase Route 11 project.
  • Byrne will meet with Finance Minister Jim Flaherty on budgetary issues, including the equalization program and other federal transfers.