FREDERICTON (CNB) - The schedule of meetings to be held throughout the province to consult with the public and stakeholders prior to drafting the 2010-11 budget was announced today by Finance Minister Greg Byrne.

"We were one of the first jurisdictions to come forward with a clearly defined plan to meet the challenges of the global recession." said Byrne. "There are still challenges ahead of us, and that's why the pre-budget consultations are so important. I look forward to meeting individuals and community groups all around the province to hear what they have to say about the priorities and challenges of the next budget."

New Brunswickers will have a variety of ways to provide input to Byrne: public and stakeholder meetings will be held throughout the week of Oct. 5 to 8 as well as on Oct. 13; there is an online questionnaire; and individuals or groups may make submissions through regular mail and fax.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 16.

The schedule of meetings, as well as questionnaires and a pre-budget statement, may be found online.