FREDERICTON (GNB) – Salaries of MLAs and cabinet ministers will be frozen for a fourth consecutive year under legislative amendments introduced today.

In addition, under the changes to the Executive Council Act and the Legislative Assembly Act salary changes for MLAs and ministers will be the same as those adopted in other areas of the public service, specifically, for management and non-union employees.

"Our government recognizes that, to rebuild New Brunswick, we have to be fair and reasonable when considering wage increases," said Government House Leader Paul Robichaud. "It is about being fiscally responsible, given our current economic climate, and the wage restraint measures announced today are a reflection of that commitment."

The amendments will retroactively freeze salaries for MLAs and ministers for 2012, representing a wage freeze of four years. Their salaries have been frozen since 2008.

Future salary changes for MLAs and ministers will mirror those being applied in other areas of the public service. The new wage mandate for management and non-union employees provides for potential pay increases based upon improvements in the provincial real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) annual averages.