FREDERICTON (CNB) – Invest NB is looking for candidates for its future board of directors. The announcement was made today in the legislative assembly by Premier David Alward.

"Business is on the move in New Brunswick," Alward said. "Opportunities for success are everywhere, in every sector, in every part of the province. To achieve our full potential, a new direction for economic development is coming."

Invest NB, a new Crown corporation, will be guided by a private sector board of directors intended to provide a fresh, strategic approach to creating jobs and attracting investment in the province.

Recruitment for board members will begin Saturday, April 16. Positions will be posted on the Agencies, Boards and Commissions website as well as in all four daily newspapers.

"We will be looking for innovative, forward-thinking business leaders capable of sound decision-making to be part of the new board," Alward said.

Board members will help Invest NB focus on four mandates:

●    aggressively promoting New Brunswick as an attractive location for investment;
●    identifying and pursuing opportunities for strategic and commercially viable investment in New Brunswick;
●    negotiating and providing financial assistance when required and as appropriate to secure such investments; and
●    prudently managing portfolios of investments.

The provincial government will introduce legislation this spring to enable Invest NB to fulfil its mandate to shape the future of business in New Brunswick. The agency is expected to be open this summer.


●    Agencies, Boards and Commissions: