SAINT JOHN (GNB) – The provincial government has been successful in calling for an approach to the Energy East pipeline approval process that will avoid a significant delay.

“I am proud that Premier Brian Gallant led the charge in lobbying the federal government to ensure that the necessary due diligence is done in the most efficient way possible, reducing the approval process timeline by nine months,” said Energy and Resource Development Minister Rick Doucet. “That means enormous savings for those administering the review in all jurisdictions, but it also means, if approved, the project can begin creating jobs almost a year earlier.”

The National Energy Board’s process takes 21 months and began in July. In addition, a separate nine-month upstream emissions study carried out by the federal Department of Environment and Climate Change will take place. Rather than this study occurring later, both agencies have agreed to perform their work at the same time, which will reduce the total review timeframe by nine months.

“Our government joined other pipeline supporters in expressing concern that this nine-month study should not delay the project approval process, while still respecting the environment,” said Doucet.

The board is currently in New Brunswick and the provincial government has been participating in the process as an intervener. More information about the review of the Energy East project can be found online.