FREDERICTON (GNB) – A group of 26 New Brunswick firefighters returned today from battling wild fires in Alberta while a new crew of 19 firefighters will be sent to the western province on May 27.

A 22-person crew had been deployed to Alberta on May 11. They were also joined by three incident management team members and a representative of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

They helped battle a 50,000 hectare fire in Sweeney Creek. A 25-centimetre snowfall earlier this week helped the crews bring the fire under control.

“I was pleased to be able to meet these very capable young professionals from New Brunswick before they left, and I am glad they have returned home safely,” said Natural Resources Minister Denis Landry. “I also wish success and safe travel to our new crew heading out this week. We will offer assistance to our friends in Alberta as long as conditions here at home allow us to do so.”

Fires became out of control in early May in Alberta. To date, 522,892 hectares have burned, and 16 wildfires are still burning. There are 1,934 firefighters battling wildfires in Alberta. They are using 102 helicopters, 255 pieces of heavy equipment and 25 air tankers to bring matters under control.

Last year, New Brunswick sent more than 75 firefighters to wild fires in the western provinces, as well as Idaho.