FREDERICTON (GNB) – Hunters can apply for the annual moose draw from May 19 to June 12 for a five-day hunting season.

“We looked at the data collected by biologists and will maintain a five-day season again this year,” Natural Resources Minister Denis Landry said. “However, in the months ahead, our government will consult with stakeholders and collect ideas and thoughts on the management of the moose hunting season for 2016, with the goal of respecting our commitment to return to a three-day season.”

The number of licences will remain practically unchanged for this year at 4,612 licences, only 20 less than last year.

Last year, there were 3,690 moose harvested.

Hunters can register and apply through the province’s new e-licensing system this year. They can also register and apply at vendors, or at Service New Brunswick centres.

The resident moose hunting season will run from Sept. 22 to Sept 26. Every year more than 60,000 people apply to the moose draw.