FREDERICTON (GNB) – Jeremy MacNeill of Four Falls and Delbert Munroe of Penobsquis are New Brunswick's 2014 Conservation Education Instructors of the Year.

Natural Resources Minister Denis Landry today presented them with commemorative watches, International Hunter Education Association prints and certificates of appreciation.

“I congratulate these two outstanding individuals for their dedication to hunter education,” said Landry. “Every year, many New Brunswickers throughout the province benefit from these excellent programs which make hunting safer. The thousands of people who have taken the course speak to its success.”

Munroe was recognized as the volunteer instructor of the year. He has been active in the Firearms Safety/Hunter Education Program for more than 20 years and has taught more than 1,000 students. He is certified as both a hunter education and firearms safety instructor.

MacNeill is the Department of Natural Resources' Instructor of the Year. A resource officer with the department's district office in Florenceville-Bristol, MacNeill has been a conservation education instructor since 2004 and has taught almost 500 students. He is a certified hunter education and firearms' safety instructor.

Firearm Safety/Hunter Education courses teach students how to handle and use firearms in a safe and responsible manner. Students learn how to minimize the risk of hypothermia while hunting, what to do if lost and basic first-aid techniques.

The courses also cover hunter ethics, basic field techniques, wildlife identification and the role of hunting with respect to wildlife management.

Since the inception of hunter education in 1952, more than 90,000 New Brunswickers have completed this program.

Information about firearm safety and hunter education is available online.