FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has issued a request for proposals to lease the former Grand Lake provincial park and operate it as a private recreational campground.

"Given the current state of the provincial government's finances, and after considering various options, the best hope of reopening the former park is to make it available to the private sector to lease and operate it as a private campground,'' said Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup. "Our goal is to see the former park reopened as a privately operated family recreational campground that will encourage tourism and create employment opportunities.''

The park closed in 2002 due to health-related concerns. A 2003 feasibility study determined it would cost about $500,000 to upgrade the site.

The provincial government is seeking proposals from the private sector to enter into a commercial lease for the 88.4 hectares (218 acres) that make up the property. The request for proposals stipulates the property must be operated as a campground. The lease period is for 20 years and would be renewable.

Specifications and tender forms are available on the Government of New Brunswick website, under the “For Business” tab, then proceed to the “Tenders and Awards” link. Alternatively, call Central Purchasing at 506-453-2245.

Tenders will close at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30, and will be opened on that date in Room 205 at Marysville Place, Fredericton. This request for proposals is not subject to interprovincial procurement agreements.

The provincial government has issued a licence of occupation to the Grand Lake West Recreation Council to manage part of the property during the summer. The council has received an annual licence since 2008 to manage the beach and adjacent field area as a day-use area for the public.