FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement on the restart of the Point Lepreau Generating Station was issued today by Energy and Mines Minister Craig Leonard:

I offer my heartfelt congratulations to the men and women who worked so hard on the refurbishment project at Point Lepreau. The return of commercial operations at Point Lepreau will provide benefits, in the form of 660 megawatts of clean and dependable energy, to New Brunswick for decades.

Having this world-class facility back online is a key component in our plan to provide low and stable rates to homeowners, commercial and industrial enterprises in our province now and into the future.

This is truly a historic day in the New Brunswick energy sector. To those who worked so diligently, often under challenging conditions, to assure that Point Lepreau would return to full operation and take its important place in the diverse electrical generation fleet which we are so fortunate to have in New Brunswick, I say thank you.