FREDERICTON (GNB) – The establishment of strong regional energy partnerships and new energy innovations are among the highlights in a New Brunswick Energy Blueprint Progress Report released today.  

The New Brunswick Energy Blueprint, released in October last year, established a 10-year vision for the province’s energy sector.

“In only one year significant progress has been made with respect to all 20 energy blueprint action items, with a number of these items now complete,” said Energy and Mines Minister Craig Leonard. “Starting in October of 2010, our government moved quickly to consult New Brunswickers on their energy future and shape a new and progressive energy policy for our residents and ratepayers.”

The blueprint action items focused on taking full advantage of emerging energy opportunities, while proactively addressing key energy challenges. The document is built on five key policy objectives and is grounded in sound business practices and the responsible management of the province's increasingly diverse energy assets. All action items will be fully implemented by the end of 2014.

“Throughout the past year, our government has worked on all 20 action items, and we are seeing significant progress and benefits as a result,” said Leonard. “Highlights include the continuation of a three-year freeze in electricity rates, further progress in efforts to harness our province's vast renewable energy potential, the establishment of strong regional energy partnerships, and a drive to energy innovation through such initiatives as NB Power's Smart Grid partnership with Siemens. We have also intervened to address issues relating to the long-term sustainability of the natural gas distribution system in New Brunswick.”
“The blueprint laid out a plan that would provide low and stable electricity rates for New Brunswickers, not just through the rate freeze, but for the long term,” he said. “Through cost reductions and efficiencies, NB Power now has the lowest electricity rates in Atlantic Canada while earning record profits and building equity.”

Along with those action items that have already been completed, Leonard noted that there are several others that will be implemented in 2013:
●    the reintegration of NB Power;
●    electricity market restructuring and the migration of the system operation functions back to NB Power;
●    the restructuring of the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board;
●    the introduction of a Public Energy Advocate;
●    an expanded Renewable Portfolio Standard; and
●    the completion of an electricity efficiency plan.

“The blueprint is our government's guide to an energy future based on low and stable energy prices, energy security, reliability of the electrical system, environmental responsibility and effective regulation,” said Leonard. “Today, I am pleased to say that in just one year we have made significant strides on the energy file, and I am even more excited with respect to the work we have ahead of us over the next two years in fully implementing all remaining action items. Our province's energy future has never been brighter.”

The oil, gas and mining components of the Department of Natural Resources were recently integrated with the former New Brunswick Department of Energy to create the new Department of Energy and Mines.

“The new department reflects our government's strong commitment to responsibly and sustainably develop our full mineral and energy potential, for the benefit all New Brunswickers,” added Leonard.

●    New Brunswick Energy Blueprint Progress Report
●    New Brunswick Energy Blueprint