FREDERICTON (CNB) – New Brunswickers may now go online to see where oil and gas exploration is taking place. The Oil and Natural Gas map viewer, an extension of the Service New Brunswick GeoNB map viewer, is now live on the provincial government's website.

"The Oil and Natural Gas map viewer will be a useful tool for New Brunswickers," said Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup. "We have often been asked about the various areas where exploration is underway as well as where existing oil and gas operations are taking place. Now this information is available with the click of a mouse."

The map viewer will enable users to access maps that identify areas under lease agreements or oil and natural licences. The site will be updated as new companies arrive to carry out explorations.

By using the tool, users can click on areas of interest and information such as company name and type of agreement. If a well site is selected, information such as well name, company name and total depth will be displayed. Users can also use the ONG search tool to search by company name or type of tenure agreement.

The map viewer is part of the provincial government's efforts to involve New Brunswickers on the topic of natural gas and to provide as much information as possible.


●    Natural Gas From Shale: