FREDERICTON (CNB) – The provincial government has launched a website devoted to shale gas exploration and development.

"We realize that many New Brunswickers have been asking for more information about the potential of natural gas development in our province, and more particularly, about the extraction of natural gas from shale," said Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup. "This website provides a great deal of information, and it will be updated as required."

Northrup said it is important to provide New Brunswickers with as much information about shale gas exploration as possible so they can make informed decisions. The shale gas industry is still at the exploration stage in New Brunswick. There has not yet been any indication whether full-scale development is possible.

The provincial government has been working on a variety of tasks related to this issue. For instance, it has taken measures to protect the environment in the event that development occurs.

In June, the provincial government announced measures that include having companies put securities bonds in place in the event of any incidents that would affect water so that immediate remediation can take place; providing full disclosure of any chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing; doing baseline testing of wells within 200 metres of any exploration activity; and creating a formula of revenue sharing from any natural gas development.

The website expands on those issues and also has a Frequently Asked Question section on water; hydraulic fracturing; environmental challenges; economic benefits; legislation; and regulations.

Other sections explain how the provincial government is proceeding and the various steps that will need to be followed before it is determined if an industry can be developed. There are links to other sites that show, through animation, how natural gas is extracted from shale formations.

"We are pleased to provide this website for New Brunswickers,” said Northrup. “This is just one piece of the puzzle; there is still a great deal that will be done to reach out to everyone interested in this industry, which has great potential for helping our province pay for crucial services such as health care and education."


●    Natural Gas From Shale: