FREDERICTON (CNB) - Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup encourages New Brunswickers to acknowledge our forest traditions during National Forest Week, Sept. 18 to 24.

"Throughout its history, New Brunswick's forests have provided a wide variety of benefits to our province and its people," said Northrup. "Our forests provide us with jobs, clean air, habitat for wildlife and the opportunity to connect with nature.''

A new addition to National Forest Week is National Tree Day, which will be held Wednesday, Sept. 21. Earlier this year, Parliament voted to declare the Wednesday in National Forest Week as National Tree Day.

During the day, Canadians are encouraged to dedicate, plant, and learn about trees and to appreciate the historical impact that trees have had on Canada's growth as a nation.

New Brunswick has about three million hectares of publicly-owned forest land, representing about half of the province's land mass. Another 25 per cent of the province is privately-owned forest land.

While forestry is an important contributor to the provincial economy, Northrup noted that wood harvesting only takes place on a small portion of Crown land annually.

"Each year, more than 98 per cent of the Crown forest is left to grow, providing additional benefits for people and wildlife,'' he said.

More information on National Forest Week is available online.


●    National Forest Week