FREDERICTON (CNB) - New Brunswickers are invited to comment on a proposed Species at Risk Act intended to provide an improved approach to conserving plants and animals in danger of disappearing from the province.

The invitation was extended today by Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup. Information on key elements of the proposed act as well as how to submit comments can be found on the Department of Natural Resources website.

Northrup said the new act would replace the existing Endangered Species Act and provide a clear process for the identification, recovery and protection of species at risk.

"The goal of the Species at Risk Act is to prevent endangered or threatened species from disappearing from New Brunswick, and to help recover these species,'' he said. "It addresses the three main elements of species at risk conservation: the identification of species that are in trouble; the recovery of species by developing strategies to address threats; and the protection of the species and habitat.''

New Brunswickers have until Friday, July 15, to comment on the proposed act.


●    Department of Natural Resources: