FREDERICTON (CNB) - Conservation officers will be patrolling Crown woods roads to discourage unnecessary use during the spring thaw period when dirt roads are easily damaged. Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup announced the patrols today.  

"In recent years, spring damage to Crown roads by recreational vehicles has become an increasing concern and required expensive repairs due to rutting and damage to drainage ditches,'' said Northrup. "This damage has environmental as well as financial costs as rutting redirects water into streams, causing siltation and loss of fish habitat, as well as fish mortality.''

Department of Natural Resources staff will focus enforcement efforts on mud runs, where participants intentionally seek soft roads to test the limits of their vehicles.  

Anglers and individuals using the roads to get to their camps or properties are not being targeted.

Conservation officers are empowered to issue ministerial orders for vehicle operators to leave an area until the roads have dried. Under the authority of the Crown Lands and Forests Act, some areas that are prone to damage may be posted with signs restricting vehicle use during the spring thaw period.

Failure to comply with a ministerial order or signage posted under the authority of the act may result in charges. Depending upon the charge, a conviction can result in fines of $140 to $500 for a first offence and restoration of the site.

The department urges recreational vehicle enthusiasts to use Crown roads responsibly this spring and to be mindful of damage to publicly owned property.