FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Environmental Trust Fund will invest about $8.4 million in environmental projects in 2019-20. This includes more than 230 environmental initiatives worth $7.5 million and an additional $900,000 for provincewide projects.

“For almost 30 years, the fund has supported thousands of projects that protect our rivers, educate our youth and preserve our environment,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr.

The Environmental Trust Fund is a longstanding mechanism for community groups, organizations, municipalities and institutions in the province to implement projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

The 2019-20 priority areas for the fund are: protecting our environment, increasing environmental awareness, managing our waste, addressing climate change and building sustainable communities.

“Together, we are creating new employment opportunities in a greener economy,” said Carr. “We are working toward achieving the objectives of our Climate Change Action Plan and we are supporting community organizations to make our province cleaner, healthier and more sustainable.”

The fund was established by the Environmental Trust Fund Act. Contributions are generated from the Beverage Containers Program.

More information, including the list of approved projects and initiatives, is available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.