FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued today by Environment and Local Government Minister Andrew Harvey:

Each year, during the first week of June, New Brunswickers are invited to recognize and participate in Canadian Environment Week. The week coincides with World Environment Day on June 5, Clean Air Day on June 6 and World Oceans Day on June 8.

World Environment Day’s theme this year, Beat Plastic Pollution, encourages us to explore sustainable alternatives to reduce the excessive use of plastics.

With that in mind, I encourage all New Brunswickers to adopt new habits. This may include taking reusable bags to the grocery store; organizing cleanup activities for streets, green spaces and beaches; or using your own water bottle or reusable coffee cup. I invite everyone to make our environment a healthier and greener place by reducing the use of plastics.

World Environment Day was designated by the United Nations in 1972 and is one of the many ways we can collectively raise awareness of global environmental issues, like climate change, and encourage action towards a sustainable planet.

Clean Air Day is a celebration of eco-friendly activities that promote clean air and healthy living across Canada.

World Oceans Day is an opportunity to remember the important role of our oceans. New Brunswick is blessed with 2,250 kilometres of coastline, and we must protect this important natural resource.

I encourage New Brunswickers to celebrate Canadian Environment Week and take the opportunity to learn more about how we can reduce environmental degradation from plastic waste.