BAIE-SAINTE-ANNE (GNB) – Non-fire-related rescue services have been added for the local service district of Baie-Sainte-Anne.

“Your government is working hard to ensure local service districts and communities throughout New Brunswick can achieve their priorities,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser. “We are helping communities get things done that will help families and increase the quality of life for their residents.”

Fraser spoke on behalf of Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle.

Non-fire-related rescue services include off-road, high-angle, and water rescue.

The Department of Environment and Local Government is responsible for fire protection and non-fire-related rescue services for local service districts. Fire departments must have a positive voting process in their local service district to add the service to their department’s mandate.

“We are pleased to support the local advisory committee and the local service district fire chief, and are encouraged to see the active volunteerism in the community that made this added service possible,” said Fraser. “Our firefighters impress us every day when they selflessly put their lives on the line to save others. We owe them a debt of gratitude.”

“We are pleased to offer added service to our community and our neighbours,” said Baie-Sainte-Anne Fire Chief Ligouri Turbide. “We have a strong team of firefighters here and a strong commitment to keeping residents safe.”

The local service district of Baie-Sainte-Anne joins the local service districts of Bathurst, Robertville, Renous-Quarryville, Sunny Corner and the parish of Petersville in adding the service this year. There are currently 24 local service districts offering non-fire-related rescue throughout the province.