FREDERICTON (GNB) – Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle issued the following statement today regarding the municipal byelections and plebiscites held on May 15:

As the minister responsible for local governance in the province, I congratulate all candidates and I welcome the winning candidates to their new and important positions.

I extend a special welcome and congratulations to the mayor and eight councillors who will serve as the first council for the new rural community of Haut-Madawaska.

Voters in Le Goulet, Maisonnette and Salisbury also filled several council vacancies.

In addition, residents in 10 local service districts in the Lamèque-Miscou region were afforded the opportunity to have the final say on a locally-led community restructuring project. Results of plebiscites showed that the voters in these districts were not ready at this time to merge with the Town of Lamèque and the Village of Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël. Community restructuring is a voluntary process and we respect the results of this democratic process.

I also thank Elections New Brunswick for ensuring voters were well informed and well served throughout the election process. Most importantly, I thank the New Brunswickers who took the time to exercise their right to vote. Voting is our chance to make a difference and ensures that community leaders are working to honour the wishes and priorities of their residents.

Strong community leaders who engage residents help to build vibrant communities. We need strong communities as we look to build a New Brunswick where job creation, fiscal responsibility and helping families are our main priorities.

I look forward to working with these newly elected officials and, once again, I welcome this new rural community.