FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Environmental Trust Fund will invest $8.4 million in environmental projects for the 2017-18 fiscal year.

“Our government is pleased to announce these projects,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle while at the Coastal Zones Research Institute in Shippagan. “These types of local and province-wide projects help us address the impact of climate change, support a greener economy, promote environmental education, and create about 120 jobs each year, particularly for young New Brunswickers.”

A total of 197 community-based projects valued at $6.3 million have been approved with an additional $2.1 million set aside for province-wide projects.

The Acadian Peninsula will receive $721,850 of this funding for 23 projects, including an investment of $95,000 for the Coastal Zones Research Institute.

Projects receiving funding throughout the Acadian Peninsula include initiatives that address climate change, educational programming aimed at school children, projects that help gather data to plan for community adaptation, and restoration, management and protection of the coastline and rivers.

“We are pleased that the government is investing in our sustainable development programming and helping us address many of our global issues like coastal erosion and flooding resulting from climate change,” said Léonard Larocque, CEO of the Coastal Zones Research Institute. “Our project is part of a process to develop a regional climate change adaptation plan for the Acadian Peninsula.”

The first phase of the project is a communication, education and awareness program on adaptation to climate change in the Acadian Peninsula. The intention is to increase the commitment within the region to the process of developing a regional adaptation plan and improve the transfer of knowledge among the many partners and collaborators. The second phase involves working with committees in communities so that municipal councils can select strategies and prepare public consultations. Some communities are already at the final stage of selecting adaptation strategies that will be incorporated into the regional plan.

“The Environmental Trust Fund is a longstanding funding program that has proven over the years to support successful and innovative environmental initiatives that have a positive impact,” said Rousselle. “The Coastal Zones Research Institute is doing incredible work here in the peninsula region. When we look at the culmination of efforts by the hundreds of Environmental Trust Fund projects across New Brunswick, we can be proud of the progress being made to protect the planet for today and tomorrow.”

The 2017-18 Environmental Trust Fund priority action areas are:

  • protecting the environment;
  • increasing environmental awareness;
  • managing waste;
  • addressing climate change; and
  • building sustainable communities.

The fund provides assistance to community groups, organizations, municipalities and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

More information, including the list of approved projects and initiatives, is available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.