FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued today by Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle:

During this third week of March, Canada Water Week, which coincides with World Water Day on March 22, we must remember just how important it is to protect our water and to ensure that water resources are managed sustainably.

This year, the theme of World Water Day is Why waste water? I would like to take this opportunity to invite all New Brunswickers to think about the simple things we can do every day to change our habits and reduce the amount of wastewater we produce in order to protect the environment and our water resources.

Turning off the water when shaving or brushing your teeth, putting flow reducers on taps, using water-efficient shower heads and spending less time in the shower, installing dual flush toilets, waiting until the washing machine and dishwasher are full before turning them on, and installing a rainwater collection system to take advantage of a free, renewable source of water for watering the garden are things we can easily do to conserve drinking water.

Since more than 80 percent of wastewater resulting from human activities worldwide is discharged into rivers or oceans untreated, this year’s theme also draws attention to the importance of improving water collection, treatment, and reuse. There is a need to act globally to raise awareness of the importance of protecting water for sustainable development. When treated safely, wastewater is a sustainable source of water, energy, nutrients, and other recoverable materials.

During Canada Water Week, your government joins with other jurisdictions observing this day and invites New Brunswickers to learn more about water-related issues, discuss them with others, and take action to make a difference.

We take seriously our responsibility to protect our province’s water sources and the environment. In order for our existing resources to provide us with clean drinking water today and in the future, they must be protected and managed responsibly. That is why we are developing a water strategy in collaboration with stakeholders and First Nations that will provide a foundation for the enhanced management and protection of this precious resource.

During this week, and throughout the year, we encourage New Brunswickers to take measures to conserve water. Also, we invite educators to raise youth awareness of this issue, and we ask businesses and communities to join in the collective effort to protect this important natural resource.