FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Environmental Trust Fund will invest $8 million in environmental projects during the 2016-17 fiscal year.

“These types of projects help us address the impacts of climate change, support a movement towards a greener economy and create about 120 jobs each year,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny.

A total of 207 community-based projects valued at $6.5 million have been approved for funding. In addition, another $1.5 million has been set aside under the fund to support other projects that will benefit the environment in the coming year.

The 2016-17 Environmental Trust Fund priority action areas are:

  • protecting our environment;
  • increasing environmental awareness;
  • managing our waste;
  • addressing climate change; and
  • building sustainable communities.

“Our government is committed to protecting, preserving and enhancing the province’s natural environment by funding grassroots environmental projects and supporting the jobs they create,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny. “The fund is an important mechanism for our government to encourage excellent environmental initiatives that will benefit our province’s air, land and water resources and help us to grow the economy and create jobs.”

The fund provides assistance to community groups, organizations, municipalities and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

More information, including the list of approved projects and initiatives, is available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.