PETIT-ROCHER (GNB) – An investment of more than $530,000 in drinking water infrastructure was announced today in Petit-Rocher under the Small Communities Fund.

“Funding infrastructure for essential services like clean, accessible drinking water is integral to supporting a community’s capacity to grow and create jobs,” said Restigouche-Chaleur MLA Daniel Guitard.

Guitard attended the announcement for Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny.

The project involves replacing the community’s drinking water tank with a new steel reservoir and adding a disinfection system. Once completed, this work will help ensure residents have access to an ample supply of high-quality drinking water for years to come.

The provincial and federal governments are each investing up to $532,713, which represents two-thirds of the estimated total cost of about $1.6 million.

“The federal government has made unprecedented commitments to support public infrastructure across Canada,” said Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier. “By working in partnership with every order of government, we will target smart infrastructure investments to produce long-term prosperity and strengthen communities. We are proud to be investing in this project, which will have a lasting positive impact on the quality of life of all Petit-Rocher residents.”

Cormier attended the event for Amarjeet Sohi, the federal minister of infrastructure and communities.

“This is an important initiative for Petit-Rocher and I am pleased to see this project move forward,” said Petit-Rocher Mayor Luc Desjardins. “By partnering with the federal and provincial governments to provide safe, clean drinking water, we are improving the lives of residents.”

Under the Small Communities Fund, the provincial and federal governments are jointly investing about $85 million in infrastructure during the next 10 years. Each project receives matching funding from the community, for a total investment of more than $118 million. This is the first round of investments under the fund.

A total of 43 projects in New Brunswick communities will receive funding for strategic infrastructure projects that contribute to both a cleaner environment and economic growth.