EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant hosted an Opportunities Summit on the green economy today in Edmundston.

“The discussion must not be about the economy versus the environment,” said Gallant. “It must be about the economy and the environment.”

Gallant recently announced the Education and New Economy Fund, which will invest nearly $1 billion during the next three years in priorities such as the green economy.

Discussions at the summit focused on finding ways to encourage investment and future growth in the green economy and how to best leverage existing advantages that are available in this sector. The summit also provided an opportunity to consult with stakeholders and to further discuss the New Brunswick Climate Change Action Plan.

“We need to seize the opportunities that come with combatting climate change,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny.

Opportunities Summits are taking place around the province to identify new prospects for creating jobs and economic growth. The opportunities identified will be reviewed and evaluated for development as part of an economic action plan for the province.