FREDERICTON (GNB) - The Environmental Trust Fund (ETF) will invest $8 million in environmental projects during the 2015-16 fiscal year.

“Our government committed to ensuring that the ETF is used for grassroots environmental projects,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny.  “I am pleased to announce that we have increased the funding to enable us to support even more excellent environmental initiatives that will benefit our province’s air, land and water resources and help us to grow the economy and create jobs.”

A total of 232 projects valued at $6.2 million have been approved for funding. In addition, another $1.8 million has been set aside under the ETF to support other projects that will benefit the environment in the coming year.     

The 2015-16 Environmental Trust Fund priority action areas are:

  • protecting our environment;
  • increasing environmental awareness;
  • managing our waste;
  • addressing climate change; and
  • building sustainable communities.

“This increase has enabled us to fund 232 of the 275 applications we received,” said Kenny. “It also means that we can support other projects throughout the year that protect, preserve and enhance the province's natural environment making life better for New Brunswick families.”

The fund provides assistance to community groups, organizations, municipalities and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.

More information, including the list of approved projects and initiatives, is available on the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website.