FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Department of Environment and Local Government is accepting expressions of interest from qualified candidates for appointment as chair of the Assessment and Planning Appeal Board.

The board is an independent decision-making body given the responsibility of hearing appeals, analyzing the information presented and providing rulings on:

  • property tax assessments (the market value assigned to individual properties);
  •  land use and planning decisions (decisions made concerning land development); and
  • heritage conservation decisions (municipal heritage property conservation rulings made by a heritage board or heritage officer).

The board does not act on behalf of the government but is linked to the Department of Environment and Local Government for purely administrative purposes. The minister of Environment and Local Government does not have decision-making powers in relation to appeals made to the board.

Candidates must reflect the cultural and geographic diversity of the province, its English and French linguistic duality and the need for balanced gender representation. All candidates that meet the criteria for filling this vacancy will be considered.

Interested individuals have until March 3 to submit their expressions of interest to the selection committee by e-mail to [email protected], by fax to 506-453-3676, or by regular mail to: Department of Environment and Local Government, Attention: Nominations, Marysville Place, P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5H1.

More information on the required qualifications and conditions for this position is available online at Current Opportunities.