FREDERICTON (GNB) – Environment and Local Government Minister Brian Kenny met with the regional service commission chairs today in Fredericton.

“The regional service commissions are important partners as we work to strengthen our communities,” said Kenny. “We need strong communities as we look to build a New Brunswick where job creation, righting our fiscal situation and making life more affordable for families are our main priorities. Today’s meeting was positive and productive, and an early step towards kicking off the work ahead.”

There are 12 regional service commissions in New Brunswick. The primary objectives of the commissions are to strengthen co-operation, increase cost-effectiveness of services, and improve accountability and transparency.

“Our government is committed to working with experts in municipal governance and representatives from municipalities, rural communities and Local Service Districts to give them the tools they need to promote development and become hubs of job creation,” said Kenny. “We have committed to improving the regional service commission model. While our focus in the near term is consultation related to strategic program review, I look forward to working with the commissions and hearing their ideas on how we can improve the regional service delivery.”