TRACADIE (GNB) – The provincial government is investing in a number of roadwork projects in the Tracadie region as part of this year’s capital budget.

“Investments in infrastructure are a commitment to a community’s economy and quality of life,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser.“We are working with our partners, listening to New Brunswickers and getting it done.”

The department will undertake work for the replacement of the Little Tracadie No. 2 (Thomas Odilon) bridge on Route 365. The bridge was built in 1949 and is subject to a 20-tonne weight limit.

Major projects in the Tracadie region will include grading and paving work on a 2.8-kilometre section of Haché Road between Route 11 and Rivière-du-Portage Road and replacement of the large culvert at Trout Stream.

Furthermore, a 3.4 kilometre section of Route 150 will be graded and paved from the area of Frigault Road to Route 11. Next year more grading and paving will be done from Frigault Road to Route 165.

Upgrading work is also planned to a 1.1-kilometre section of Principale Street through the Municipal Designated Highway Program.

A total of 4.6 km of microsurfacing work is planned for F.-X.-Brideau Road, Saulnier Ouest Road and Alderwood Road.

“These investments in the Tracadie area will improve our transportation network and thereby enhance our quality of life, support economic activity by creating jobs and help ensure the safety of New Brunswickers,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle.