FREDERICTON (GNB) – Detailed planning and preparations are underway for three construction projects along the uptown portion of Regent Street that will significantly affect traffic this summer. The projects are part of the provincial government’s plan to create jobs and grow New Brunswick’s economy.

Between June 1 and Aug. 31, the provincial government and the City of Fredericton will undertake construction that will ultimately improve traffic through Fredericton’s busiest intersection.

“Our government is committed to investing in our infrastructure,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Roger Melanson. “I am proud to be working with our municipal partners to provide safe and dependable infrastructure for years to come and improve the traffic flow in the area.”

About 47,000 vehicles pass through the Regent Street / Prospect Street intersection each day.

“This is a vital traffic link for Fredericton, and these upgrades are much needed,” said John MacDermid, chair of the City of Fredericton’s transportation committee. “We are happy that we can partner with the provincial government to get these projects done within a short timeframe to reduce the overall impact on the public.”

Plans call for the following:

  • The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure will replace the Regent Street underpass (south of the Regent Street / Prospect Street intersection). The underpass will be widened to allow for an additional left-turning lane onto Prospect Street. The underpass will also be raised to reduce the possibility of it being hit from below by traffic travelling on Route 8.
  • The department will repave Regent Street from the underpass to Wayne Squibb Boulevard.
  • The City of Fredericton in partnership with the department will upgrade the Regent Street / Prospect Street intersection and the section of Regent Street from the intersection to Priestman Street. The upgrade will include replacing water and sewer infrastructure at the end of its life; widening sidewalks; adding dual left turn lanes; improving the right turn lane; and repaving.

Carrying out these projects at the same time is expected to limit the impact on motorists and businesses to one construction season; reduce overall construction costs; and, ultimately, significantly improve traffic flow.

The construction will affect traffic patterns. The removal of the underpass will require north/south traffic in the area to be diverted to other routes. East/west traffic through the intersection as well as traffic up the hill to the intersection will continue.

However, lanes will be reduced, and traffic delays are expected. Access to all area businesses will be maintained during construction. The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure will build a temporary pedestrian structure over Route 8 along Regent Street during construction.

Meetings will be held during the coming weeks for the public and businesses in the area to discuss the project further. People are encouraged to go online for updates and suggestions for travel alternatives to avoid delays.