SAINT JOHN (CNB) – The new flow traffic design for the Saint John Harbour Bridge will see two lanes of traffic in each direction along with traffic-calming measures. Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Claude Williams made the announcement today.

"The design was a challenge in that there is a particular slope that was part of the original bridge and toll booth design,” said Williams. “The slope from east to west works with us, but the slope from west to east works against us in terms of safety. Traffic-calming measures are important, particularly when travelling west to east, to ensure public safety."

These traffic calming measures will include:

●    a raised curb between the two lanes heading west to east;
●    a concrete barrier; and
●    speed measurement signs that show motorists their speed, similar to those present in school zones.

The tender for this work has been announced and will close on Monday, Oct. 31. The work will proceed following awarding of the contract and is expected to be complete this year.

Williams also said that $13,324 has been forwarded to the St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation. The money was raised as part of the Pass it On campaign, which encouraged parking pass owners to donate any remaining balance on their transponder account to the hospital.

"St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation is truly grateful for the support of the community and the Department of Transportation in making the Pass it On campaign successful," said Laurie Flood, executive director of the foundation.

Funds raised through the campaign supported the 2011 Saint John Dragon Boat Festival and the purchase of two state-of-the-art pieces of equipment – a radiolucent spinal operating table for surgical services and an SLT laser for the opthalmology clinic at the hospital.  


●    Department of Transportation: