Victims of violence

Victims of violence may end their lease early for their safety or the safety of their children


Victims of domestic violence may end their lease early for their safety or the safety of their children without the financial impact of breaking a lease agreement. This includes victims of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, or criminal harassment (stalking).

How it works

Victims of domestic violence in a year-to-year lease or a fixed-term lease may end their lease early for their safety or the safety of their children without the financial impact of breaking a lease agreement.  In these circumstances, the notice period is reduced to one month instead of 3 months.

If a tenant needs to end their lease early for safety reasons, they must provide one full rental month written notice to their landlord.

For example, if the rent is due on the 1st of the month, you must give notice before the 1st of the month to be effective for the last day of that month.

If your landlord requests documentation

If your landlord asks you for documentation, you may provide them with one of the following:

  • an emergency intervention order, or
  • an order of the court, or
  • a signed Third-Party Declaration

You can get a printed copy of the Third-Party Declaration form at any Service New Brunswick service centre, or you can download and print the form yourself.

Third-Party Declaration (PDF)

Who can sign a Third-Party Declaration

Examples of people who can sign a Third-Party Declaration:

  • Peace officers
  • Victim services coordinators
  • Domestic violence outreach workers
  • Second stage or transition house crisis intervener or support worker
  • Health care providers
  • Indigenous chief or elder
  • Employee of an educational institution at which the tenant or a dependent child or the tenant is enrolled

Get help from the Residential Tenancies Tribunal


If the landlord does not agree to end the lease early you can apply for assistance with the Residential Tenancies Tribunal and the tribunal will help.

Apply online, or send printed or digital copies of completed forms to the Residential Tenancies Tribunal by email to [email protected], by fax at 1-855-869-642, by mail to PO Box 5001, Moncton, NB, E1C 8R3, or bring it to a Service New Brunswick service centre.


If your tenant is a victim of violence and wants to end their lease early for their safety and the safety of their children and you need help understanding your responsibilities, you can apply for help with the Residential Tenancies Tribunal.

Apply online, or send printed or digital copies of completed forms to the Residential Tenancies Tribunal by email to [email protected], by fax at 1-855-658-3096, by mail to PO Box 5001, Moncton, NB, E1C 8R3, or bring it to a Service New Brunswick service centre.

Support services for victims of abuse

If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, the following is a list of resources available in your community.

Support Services for Victims of Abuse